Expert Tips: How To Cut Onions For Kabobs Recipe?

Sabrina Dawson

how to cut onions for kabobs
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Have you ever bitten into a Kabob and found a large, unevenly cooked piece of onion? Or worse, had an entire onion piece fall off the skewer and onto the grill? 

As someone who loves making Kabobs, I can attest that the key to a successful and delicious Kabob is all in the preparation, particularly when it comes to cutting the onions. That’s why today, I want to share my personal experience and tips on how to cut onions for Kabobs

Onions are a crucial ingredient in Kabobs, adding both flavor and texture to the dish. However, if not cut properly, onions can ruin the entire Kabob. When onions are too large or too small, they won’t cook evenly with the other ingredients on the skewer. And if the onion pieces aren’t cut uniformly, they won’t thread onto the skewers easily or will fall apart during cooking. That’s why learning how to cut onions for Kabobs is so important.

In this blog post, I’ll be sharing my step-by-step process for cutting onions for Kabobs, including tips and tricks to make the process easier and more successful. 

By the end of this post, you’ll be a Kabob pro, impressing your family and friends with perfectly cooked and delicious Kabobs every time. So, let’s get started!

What is Kabobs?

Kabobs, also known as kebabs or kababs, are a type of food that consists of small pieces of meat, vegetables, and/or fruits threaded onto a skewer and grilled or broiled. The name “kebab” originated in the Middle East and is typically derived from the Persian word “kabab”.

how to cut onions for skewers

Selecting and preparing the onion

When selecting an onion, make sure to choose one that is firm and plump, with no soft spots. Onions come in many different sizes and varieties, so it’s important to choose the right size for your Kabobs. A large onion may be too big, while a small onion may not provide enough flavor. Once you’ve chosen the right onion, it’s time to peel and cut it into manageable pieces.

See also: How To Cut Onions For Fajitas? Master The Perfect Cut

How to cut onion and peppers for Kabobs?

how to cut onion wedges for kabobs

The first step in cutting onions for Kabobs is to ensure that the pieces are all a similar size. This will ensure even cooking and a consistent flavor throughout the Kabob. For best results, aim for pieces that are around 1 inch in size.

To cut the onions, start by trimming off the top and bottom of the onion, and then cut it in half from top to bottom. Peel off the skin and discard it. 

Then, lay each onion half flat on the cutting board, and make horizontal slices across the onion, cutting almost all the way through but leaving the bottom intact. 

Finally, make vertical cuts, also almost all the way through, to create small pieces that are still attached to the bottom of the onion. This will make it easier to thread the onion onto the skewer without it falling apart.

If you feel like you could use some help with how to cut onions for skewers, then why not check out this helpful “how to cut onions for Kabobs Youtube tutorial”? 

This video will show you how to cut onion wedges the right way so that they don’t fall apart on the skewer.

Now, let’s move onto the peppers. But do you know how? 

how to cut onion and peppers for kabobs

The ideal way to cut peppers for skewering is to remove the stem and seeds and cut the peppers into similarly sized pieces as the onions. 

To do this, start by cutting off the top of the pepper and removing the seeds and white pith from inside. Then, cut the pepper into slices, and then into smaller pieces of around 1 inch in size.

Tips how to cut onion wedges for Kabobs

  • Use a sharp knife to make clean, even cuts
  • Keep the onion cold by storing it in the fridge or adding an ice cube to the cutting board
  • Cut pieces that are around 1 inch in size
  • Try to keep all the pieces connected at the bottom
  • If you don’t want to thread the onion onto the skewer, you can wrap it in aluminum foil
  • To prevent your alliums from falling apart on the skewers, lightly spray them with cooking oil before grilling
  • You can also use a skewer or toothpick to hold the pieces together

How about cutting red onions for Kabobs?

Cutting red onions for Kabobs is just like cutting any other type of onion. 

cutting red onions for kabobs

Start by cutting off the top and bottom, then cutting it in half from top to bottom. 

Peel off the skin and discard it, then make horizontal slices across the onion almost all the way through but leaving the bottom intact. 

Finally, make vertical cuts, also almost all the way through, to create small pieces that are still attached to the bottom of the onion. 

Aim for pieces that are around 1 inch in size and lightly spray them with cooking oil before grilling to prevent them from falling apart on the skewer.

Other vegetables you can add to your Kabobs

Kabobs are a versatile and delicious dish that can be customized to suit a variety of tastes and dietary preferences. In addition to onions, there are many other vegetables that can be added to kabobs to create a colorful and flavorful meal.

  • Bell peppers: Bell peppers are a classic kabob vegetable. They come in a variety of colors, including green, red, yellow, and orange, and add a sweet and tangy flavor to the dish.
  • Cherry tomatoes: Cherry tomatoes are another popular kabob ingredient. They are small and easy to skewer, and add a burst of juicy sweetness to the dish.
  • Zucchini: Zucchini is a great vegetable for kabobs because it is firm and holds up well on the grill. It has a mild, slightly sweet flavor that pairs well with other kabob ingredients.
  • Mushrooms: Mushrooms are a hearty and meaty vegetable that can add a rich and savory flavor to kabobs. They are also high in protein and other nutrients.
  • Eggplant: Eggplant is another vegetable that holds up well on the grill. It has a slightly bitter flavor that can be balanced out with other kabob ingredients.
  • Corn: Corn is a delicious addition to kabobs. It has a sweet and slightly smoky flavor that complements other kabob ingredients.

When selecting vegetables for your kabobs, it’s important to choose ones that are firm and can hold up well on the grill. You can also experiment with different marinades and seasonings to add even more flavor to your kabobs. With these tips, you can create delicious and healthy kabobs that are sure to please everyone at your next barbecue or dinner party.


How do I make sure all the pieces are similar size when cutting onions for Kabobs?

To ensure all the pieces are similarly sized, measure each piece before threading it onto the skewer. Aim for pieces that are around 1 inch in size and then adjust as needed.

Is it better to thread or wrap onions on a skewer?

It depends on how you prefer to make Kabobs. Threading onion wedges onto the skewer will ensure even cooking and consistent flavor, but if you don’t want to thread them, you can wrap the onion in aluminum foil before placing it on the skewer.

How can I prevent my onions from falling apart on the skewers?

To prevent your alliums from falling apart on the skewers, lightly spray them with cooking oil before grilling. You can also use a skewer or toothpick to hold the pieces together.

Can I use different sizes of onion pieces on one skewer?

Yes, you can use different sizes of onion pieces on one skewer. Just make sure the smaller pieces are securely attached to the larger pieces to ensure even cooking and consistent flavor. You may also want to consider spraying them with cooking oil before grilling.

Do I need to soak chunks of onions in water?

No, you don’t need to soak chunks of onions in water before skewering.

Can I cut onions from the night before?

Yes, you can cut onions ahead of time and store them in the refrigerator until ready to use. Just make sure the pieces are tightly sealed so that they don’t dry out.


As you can see, cutting onions for Kabobs is a simple process that will take your grilled dishes to the next level. From how to cut onions for Kabobs wedges to how to prevent them from falling apart, we’ve covered it all in this post. So try out these techniques and impress your family and friends with delicious Kabob recipes that incorporate onions as an ingredient!