How To Cut Potatoes Into Cubes? A Comprehensive Guide

Sabrina Dawson

how to cut potatoes into cubes
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Learning how to cut potatoes into cubes is an essential skill for anyone who loves to cook. Cubed potatoes are a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of dishes, from salads and soups to casseroles and stews. However, cutting potatoes into even cubes can be a challenge, especially if you’re not using the right tools or techniques. In this article, we’ll show you why it’s important to learn how to cut potatoes into cubes, the tools you’ll need to get the job done, and some safety tips to keep in mind when working with knives and potatoes. Whether you’re a seasoned home cook or a beginner in the kitchen, mastering the art of cutting potatoes into cubes will elevate your cooking game and make your dishes look and taste even better.

What Are Cubed Potatoes?

Cubed potatoes are potatoes that have been cut into small, uniform cubes. This is a common way to prepare potatoes for dishes such as stews, soups, and casseroles. Cubed potatoes cook quickly and evenly, and their small size makes them easy to incorporate into a variety of recipes.

Types of Potatoes for Cubing

There are several types of potatoes that are well-suited for cubing, depending on the dish you are preparing. Here are some of the best potatoes for cubing:

  • Russet potatoes: These are high-starch potatoes that are great for making crispy, cubed potatoes for dishes like roasted potatoes or French fries.
  • Yukon gold potatoes: These potatoes have a buttery texture and a slightly sweet flavor that makes them great for mashed potatoes or casseroles that call for cubed potatoes.
  • Red potatoes: These are waxy potatoes that hold their shape well when cubed, making them ideal for potato salads, stews, and soups.
  • Fingerling potatoes: These small, elongated potatoes are great for roasting or making potato salad, and their small size makes them easy to cube.

When choosing a potato for cubing, consider the texture and flavor you’re looking for in your dish. High-starch potatoes like russets are best for making crispy cubes, while waxy potatoes like red potatoes are better for dishes that require the potatoes to hold their shape.

how to cut potatoes in cubes

What Equipment is Needed?

To cube potatoes, you don’t need any specialized equipment. Here are the basic tools you’ll need:

Chef’s knife

A sharp chef’s knife is the most important tool for cutting potatoes into cubes. Make sure your knife is sharp to avoid squishing or tearing the potatoes.

Cutting board

A sturdy cutting board is essential for a safe and effective cutting surface. Choose a board that won’t slip or slide around while you’re cutting.

Vegetable peeler (optional)

If you prefer to peel your potatoes before cubing them, a vegetable peeler can be helpful.

Ruler or measuring tape (optional)

If you want to ensure that your potato cubes are uniform in size, you can use a ruler or measuring tape to measure the width and length of each cube.

Overall, with a sharp knife, cutting board, and vegetable peeler (if desired), you’ll have all the equipment you need to learn how to cut potatoes into cubes.

Preparing Potatoes for Cubing

Before cubing potatoes, it’s important to properly clean and prepare them. Here are some steps to follow:

  • Wash the potatoes: Rinse the potatoes under running water to remove any dirt or debris. Use a vegetable brush to scrub off any stubborn dirt.
  • Peel the potatoes (optional): If you prefer to peel your potatoes, use a vegetable peeler to remove the skin. If you’re using a thin-skinned potato, you may choose to leave the skin on.
  • Remove any eyes or bad spots: Use a paring knife to cut out any eyes or bad spots on the potato. This will help prevent spoilage and ensure that your cubes are uniform in texture.
  • Cut the potatoes into uniform cubes: Use a sharp chef’s knife to cut the potatoes into even-sized cubes. You can use a ruler or measuring tape to ensure that your cubes are uniform in size.

By following these simple steps, you can easily prepare potatoes for cubing and ensure that your cubes are clean, uniform, and ready for cooking.

Basic Knife Skills

Before cutting potatoes, it’s important to have good basic knife skills. Always use a sharp knife and keep your fingers tucked in and away from the blade while cutting. Practice chopping, slicing, and dicing techniques to become comfortable with using a knife.

how to cut sweet potatoes into cubes

Types of knives for cutting potatoes into cubes

There are several types of knives that can be used for cutting potatoes into cubes, but the most commonly used knife is a chef’s knife. Here are some other types of knives that can be used:

  • Paring knife: A small, sharp paring knife can be useful for cutting out eyes or bad spots on the potato.
  • Utility knife: This knife is smaller than a chef’s knife but larger than a paring knife, and is useful for cutting medium-sized potatoes into cubes.
  • Santoku knife: This Japanese-style knife is similar to a chef’s knife but has a shorter and thinner blade. It is ideal for cutting small to medium-sized potatoes into cubes.
  • Cleaver: This large, heavy knife can be useful for cutting large potatoes into cubes, but is not as precise as other knives.

Knife handling techniques

Proper knife handling techniques are essential for safe and effective cutting. Here are some basic knife handling techniques to keep in mind when cutting potatoes into cubes:

  • Grip the knife properly: Hold the knife firmly with your dominant hand, with your fingers wrapped around the handle and your thumb resting on the spine of the blade.
  • Use a cutting board: Always use a sturdy cutting board to prevent the knife from slipping and to protect your countertop.
  • Use proper cutting techniques: Use a rocking motion to chop through the potato, keeping the tip of the knife on the cutting board as you cut. Use your other hand to hold the potato in place as you cut.
  • Use a claw grip: Use your non-dominant hand to hold the potato in a claw-like grip, with your fingertips curled under and your knuckles facing the knife blade. This will help prevent accidents and keep your fingers safe.

By following these basic knife handling techniques, you can ensure that you are cutting potatoes into cubes safely and effectively.

Sharpening and maintaining knives

Proper sharpening and maintenance of knives are important to keep them safe and effective for cutting. Here are some tips for sharpening and maintaining knives:

  • Use a sharpening stone or honing steel: Regularly sharpen your knife using a sharpening stone or honing steel. This will help keep the blade sharp and effective for cutting.
  • Sharpen at the correct angle: Different knives require different sharpening angles. Check the manufacturer’s instructions or do some research to determine the correct angle for your specific knife.
  • Use a honing steel for maintenance: A honing steel can be used to maintain the sharpness of your knife between sharpenings. Hold the honing steel vertically and run the blade down the steel at a 20-degree angle on each side.
  • Store knives properly: Store your knives in a knife block or on a magnetic strip to protect them from damage and keep them organized. Avoid storing them loose in a drawer, which can cause them to become dull or damaged.
  • Hand wash knives: Always wash your knives by hand, never in the dishwasher. Dry them thoroughly before storing to prevent rusting.

Explore more: How To Cut A Cucumber Like A Pro: Expert Tips And Techniques

How to cut potatoes in cubes: Step-by-Step

Learning how to cut potatoes into cubes is a useful skill for a variety of recipes, from stews and soups to roasted potatoes and casseroles. Follow these simple steps to learn how to cut potatoes into cubes perfectly:

A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Cutting the potato in half

Place your potato on a cutting board and use a sharp chef’s knife to cut it in half lengthwise. If you want to learn how to cut sweet potatoes into cubes, the same technique applies.

Step 2: Cutting the potato into slices

Place each half of the potato flat-side down on the cutting board and slice it into even-sized slices. So, how to cut potatoes into 1 inch cubes? If you’re cutting potatoes into 1 inch cubes, just need to adjust the thickness of the slices accordingly.

Step 3: Cutting the slices into sticks

Stack the slices on top of each other and cut them into sticks of equal thickness. For sweet potatoes, follow the same technique.

Step 4: Cutting the sticks into cubes

Finally, cut the sticks into cubes of equal size. For cutting potatoes into 1 inch cubes, make sure each side of the cube measures 1 inch.

Alternative methods for cutting potatoes into cubes:

The waffle cut

Cut the potato into slices, then rotate the slices 90 degrees and cut them again to create a waffle pattern. Then, cut the slices into cubes.

The hasselback cut

Make thin, evenly spaced cuts along the length of the potato, then turn it 90 degrees and make more cuts to create a grid. Then, cut the potato into cubes.

By following these simple steps, you can easily learn how to cut potatoes into inch cubes for a variety of recipes. Whether you’re making roasted potatoes or a potato casserole, you’ll have perfectly cubed potatoes ready to go.

Tips for Cutting Potatoes into Uniform Cubes

Achieving uniformity when cutting potatoes into cubes is important for even cooking and a consistent texture in your dishes. Here are some tips for achieving uniformity:

  • Choose potatoes of a similar size: Start by selecting potatoes that are similar in size to ensure that your cubes will be uniform in size.
  • Use a sharp knife: A sharp knife will make clean cuts and prevent squishing or tearing the potatoes, resulting in more uniform cubes.
  • Use a ruler or measuring tape: Measuring the width and length of each cube with a ruler or measuring tape will help ensure that they are uniform in size.
  • Use a mandoline slicer: A mandoline slicer is a useful tool for achieving uniform potato slices, which can then be cut into cubes.
  • Use a potato cutter: A potato cutter is a specialized tool that can cut potatoes into cubes quickly and uniformly.
  • Practice consistent technique: When cutting the potatoes, use a consistent technique to ensure that each cube is of a similar size. For example, use the same number of strokes when cutting each potato or use a guide to measure the size of each cube.

When using these tools and techniques, you can easily achieve uniformity when cutting potatoes into cubes for your dishes. A consistent cube size will not only improve the appearance of your dishes but also ensure that they cook evenly and have a consistent texture.

Advanced Techniques for Cutting Potatoes into Cubes

If you’re looking to take your potato cube cutting skills to the next level, here are some advanced techniques you can try:

Julienne cutting

Julienne cutting is a technique that involves cutting potatoes into long, thin strips that can then be cut into small cubes. To julienne a potato, start by slicing it into thin planks. Then, stack the planks and cut them into long, thin strips. Finally, cut the strips into cubes of the desired size.

French fry cutting

French fry cutting is a technique that involves cutting potatoes into long, thin strips that are perfect for making fries. To French fry cut a potato, start by cutting it into planks that are about 1/4 inch thick. Then, cut the planks into long, thin strips that are about 1/4 inch wide. Finally, cut the strips into cubes that are about 1/4 inch square.

Dicing potatoes with a mandoline slicer

 A mandoline slicer can be used to dice potatoes quickly and uniformly. Start by selecting the desired thickness on the slicer, then run the potato over the blade to create uniform slices. Stack the slices and cut them into sticks, then cut the sticks into cubes of the desired size.

When you use these advanced techniques, you can create perfectly cubed potatoes for a many great dishes, from soups and stews to salads and sides. Just remember to exercise caution when using sharp tools like mandoline slicers and to always use a sharp knife for clean cuts.

Storing Cubed Potatoes

If you’ve cut up a batch of cubed potatoes and aren’t using them all right away, it’s important to know how to store them properly to keep them fresh. Here are some tips for storing cubed potatoes.

How to store cubed potatoes

To store cubed potatoes properly, follow these steps:

  • Allow the cubed potatoes to cool completely before storing them. If they are still warm, moisture can build up in the container and cause the potatoes to become mushy or spoil faster.
  • Transfer the cubed potatoes to an airtight container or resealable plastic bag. Remove as much air as possible before sealing the container or bag.
  • Label the container or bag with the date you prepared the cubed potatoes. This will help you keep track of how long they have been stored.

How long can you store cubed potatoes?

Cubed potatoes can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3-5 days. After this time, they may start to spoil or lose their texture. It’s important to store them in an airtight container or resealable plastic bag to prevent moisture from building up and causing spoilage. 

Freezing cubed potatoes

Freezing cubed potatoes is a great way to extend their shelf life for up to 8-12 months. Here’s how to freeze cubed potatoes:

  • Wash and peel the potatoes (if desired). Cut them into uniform cubes of the desired size.
  • Blanch the cubed potatoes by boiling them in salted water for 2-3 minutes. This will help preserve their color, texture, and flavor. Drain the potatoes and let them cool completely.
  • Spread the cooled cubed potatoes out in a single layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or a silicone mat. Place the baking sheet in the freezer, and freeze the potatoes for several hours or until they are completely frozen.
  • Once the potatoes are frozen, transfer them to a resealable freezer bag or airtight container. Be sure to label the bag or container with the date and contents.
  • Store the frozen cubed potatoes in the freezer for up to 8-12 months.

Cooking with Cubed Potatoes

Cubed potatoes are a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of dishes. Here are some common dishes that use cubed potatoes and some tips for cooking with them:

Common dishes that use cubed potatoes

  • Potato salad
  • Breakfast hash
  • Soups and stews
  • Casseroles
  • Roasted potatoes
  • Curries
how to cut potatoes into 1 inch cubes

Tips for cooking cubed potatoes

  • Boil cubed potatoes in salted water for about 15-20 minutes until they are tender but still hold their shape.
  • Roast cubed potatoes in the oven with olive oil and seasonings for about 20-30 minutes at 400°F until they are crispy and golden brown.
  • Add cubed potatoes to soups and stews during the last 20-30 minutes of cooking.
  • When making potato salad, blanch the cubed potatoes in salted water for about 10 minutes until they are tender, then drain and cool them before adding the other ingredients.
  • For breakfast hash, cook cubed potatoes with onions and other veggies in a skillet until they are crispy and golden brown.
  • When making curries or other dishes with a sauce, add cubed potatoes to the sauce and simmer until they are tender and cooked through.

By following these tips, you can cook cubed potatoes to perfection and create delicious dishes with them. Just remember to adjust the cooking time and method based on the recipe and the size of the cubes.


What is the best knife to use for cutting potatoes into cubes?

A sharp chef’s knife or a vegetable knife with a sharp, straight blade is best for cutting potatoes into cubes.

Do I need to peel the potatoes before cubing them?

Peeling the potatoes is optional, depending on personal preference and the recipe you are making. If you choose to leave the skin on, make sure to wash and scrub the potatoes thoroughly.

How big should I cut the cubes?

The size of the potato cubes can vary depending on the recipe, but a common size is about 1/2 inch to 1 inch in diameter.

Can I use a food processor to cut potatoes into cubes?

Yes, you can use a food processor with a blade attachment to cut potatoes into cubes, but it may not produce as uniform of cubes as cutting by hand.

How do I prevent the potatoes from sticking to the knife?

To prevent the potatoes from sticking to the knife, make sure the knife is sharp and keep the blade clean and dry. You can also dip the knife in water between cuts to prevent sticking.


In short, knowing how to cut potatoes into cubes is an essential skill for any home cook. Whether you’re making a hearty stew, a savory side dish, or a delicious potato salad, cubed potatoes are a versatile and delicious ingredient. By following the simple steps outlined in this guide, you can easily and efficiently cut potatoes into uniform cubes that will cook evenly and look great in your dish. Remember to choose the right potato for the job, use a sharp knife, and practice safe cutting techniques. With a little practice, you’ll be a pro at cutting potatoes into cubes in no time.