How To Reheat Fried Chicken In Air Fryer: A Comprehensive Guide

Sabrina Dawson

how to reheat fried chicken in air fryer
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There’s nothing worse than reheating fried chicken and ending up with a soggy, unappetizing mess. But fear not, because I have discovered the perfect solution: learning how to reheat fried chicken in air fryer. Trust me, I’ve been there – staring at a pile of leftover fried chicken, wondering how to revive it without sacrificing its flavor and texture. That’s why I’m excited to share my experience and guide you through how to reheat fried chicken in air fryer to perfection. With just a few simple steps, you can transform your leftover fried chicken into a crispy, juicy, and mouth-watering meal that’s just as good as it was the first time around.

Why Air Fryer Is The Best Way to Reheat Fried Chicken?

Air fryers have gained immense popularity in recent years for their ability to cook food with minimal oil and deliver crispy and delicious results. When it comes to reheating fried chicken, an air fryer is an excellent choice for several reasons

  • Firstly, air fryers circulate hot air around the food, creating a crisp exterior while retaining moisture inside. This means your reheated fried chicken will come out crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside, just like it was when it was freshly cooked.
  • Secondly, air fryers are quick and easy to use, making them a convenient option for busy individuals who don’t have a lot of time to spend in the kitchen. 
  • Lastly, air fryers are versatile appliances that can be used to reheat a variety of foods, from chicken wings to pizza, making them a great investment for any kitchen. 

All these reasons make the air fryer the best way to reheat fried chicken, ensuring that your leftovers taste just as good as they did the first time around.

what temperature to reheat fried chicken in air fryer

The Benefits of Reheating Fried Chicken in an Air Fryer

Here are some benefits of learning how to reheat  fried chicken in air fryer:

  1. Retains crispiness: Air fryers use hot air to cook food, which helps to preserve the crispy texture of fried chicken.
  2. Reduces oil content: Air fryers require little to no oil to cook food, making it a healthier option for those watching their oil intake.
  3. Saves time: Reheating fried chicken in an air fryer is quicker than using an oven, and it also saves time compared to using a stovetop or microwave.
  4. Versatile: Air fryers can be used to reheat a variety of foods, not just fried chicken, making them a great investment for any kitchen.
  5. Easy to clean: Air fryers are easy to clean and maintain, with most models featuring removable parts that can be washed in the dishwasher.

Preparing Fried Chicken for Reheating

Preparing fried chicken for reheating is an essential step to ensure that the chicken tastes as good as it did when it was freshly cooked. Follow these tips to prepare fried chicken for reheating:

Proper storage

Store leftover fried chicken in an airtight container or wrapped tightly in foil to prevent it from drying out. It’s best to store it in the fridge and not on the counter to avoid bacterial growth.

Preserve crispy coating

The crispy coating of fried chicken can become soggy when reheated. To preserve its crispiness, place a paper towel on the bottom of the container and then arrange the chicken on top. The paper towel will absorb any excess moisture, preventing the coating from becoming soggy.

Remove excess oil

Fried chicken can be oily, especially if it has been stored in the fridge. Before reheating, blot the chicken with a paper towel to remove any excess oil.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your fried chicken is ready to be reheated to perfection. Properly stored and prepared fried chicken will retain its flavor and texture, making the reheating process much more successful.

Steps for How to Reheat Fried Chicken in Air Fryer

Knowing how to reheat fried chicken in an fryer is a simple and easy process that can be done in just a few steps. Here is how to reheat fried chicken in an air fryer:

  1. Setting up the air fryer: Begin by setting up the air fryer on a stable and heat-resistant surface. Ensure that the air fryer basket is clean and dry before use.
  2. Preheating the air fryer: Preheat the air fryer to 350°F (175°C) for 3-5 minutes before placing the chicken in the basket. This will ensure that the chicken is heated evenly and will help to preserve its crispiness.
  3. Placing the chicken in the air fryer: Once the air fryer has been preheated, place the fried chicken in the basket in a single layer. Do not overcrowd the basket, as this can cause the chicken to cook unevenly.
  4. Reheating temperature and time: Set the air fryer to 350°F (175°C) and cook the chicken for 3-4 minutes on each side. The exact time may vary depending on the size of the chicken pieces and the model of the air fryer, so check the manufacturer’s instructions for guidance.
  5. Checking the temperature of the chicken: Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the chicken, which should be 165°F (74°C) to ensure it is fully cooked. If the chicken has not reached this temperature, continue cooking for another minute or two.

By following these steps, you know how to reheat fried chicken in air fryer to perfection. Overall, reheating fried chicken in an air fryer is a quick and easy process that delivers delicious and crispy results.

Read more: How To Reheat Chicken Tenders In Air Fryer For Delicious Results?

How long to reheat fried chicken in air fryer?

The length of time it takes to reheat fried chicken in an air fryer will depend on the size and thickness of the chicken pieces, as well as the model of the air fryer. However, a general guideline is to preheat the air fryer to 350°F (175°C) for 3-5 minutes, then cook the chicken for 3-4 minutes on each side. This should be enough time to reheat the chicken and restore its crispy texture without overcooking it. 

What temperature to reheat fried chicken in air fryer?

The recommended temperature to reheat fried chicken in an air fryer is 350°F (175°C). This temperature will allow the chicken to heat evenly, restore its crispy texture, and retain its moisture.

Alternative Ways to Reheat Fried Chicken

If you don’t have an air fryer, there are other ways to reheat fried chicken. Here are three alternative methods and their pros and cons:

Using the oven

Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C) and place the fried chicken on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake for 15-20 minutes, or until the chicken is heated through and the coating is crispy. 

The pros of using the oven are that it can reheat a large amount of chicken at once and that it is a widely available method. The cons are that it can take longer to preheat and cook the chicken, and the coating can become soggy if it is not reheated correctly.

Using the stovetop

Heat a non-stick skillet over medium heat and add a small amount of oil. Place the fried chicken in the skillet and cook for 3-4 minutes on each side until heated through and crispy. 

The pros of using the stovetop are that it is a quick and simple method that preserves the crispy texture of the chicken. The cons are that it can be difficult to heat large pieces of chicken evenly and that it can make a mess on the stovetop.

Using a toaster oven

Preheat the toaster oven to 350°F (175°C) and place the chicken on a baking sheet or in a toaster oven safe dish. Cook for 10-15 minutes, or until the chicken is heated through and the coating is crispy. 

The pros of using a toaster oven are that it is a quick and simple method and that it does not require a lot of space. The cons are that it may not be able to heat large pieces of chicken, and it can be challenging to get the coating crispy without burning it.

Overall, each method has its advantages and disadvantages, and the best option will depend on personal preference and available equipment. While the air fryer remains the best method to reheat fried chicken, these alternatives can also produce good results if done correctly.

See also: How To Reheat Rotisserie Chicken In Air Fryer Perfectly?

How to Reheat Chicken Breast in Air Fryer

To reheat chicken breast in an air fryer, follow these simple steps:

  1. Preheat your air fryer: Preheat your air fryer to 380 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Prepare the butter mixture: Melt the butter in a small bowl in your microwave and add garlic powder, salt, and pepper. Mix the ingredients to combine.
  3. Baste the chicken breast: Baste your chicken breasts with the butter mixture on both sides, ensuring they are coated evenly.
  4. Place chicken breasts in the air fryer: Place the chicken breasts in the air fryer in a single layer to allow them to cook evenly.
  5. Cook the chicken breasts: Cook the chicken breasts for 10-15 minutes, flipping them halfway through the cooking process. Check the temperature of the chicken at the thickest point to ensure it reads 165 degrees Fahrenheit.
  6. Let the chicken rest: Let the chicken rest for about 5 minutes before serving to allow the juices to distribute evenly throughout the meat.
how long to reheat fried chicken in air fryer

How to Reheat McDonalds Nuggets in Air fryer

Reheating McDonalds nuggets in an air fryer is a quick and easy way to revive them and restore their crispy texture. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Preheat your air fryer: Preheat your air fryer to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Place the nuggets in the air fryer: Remove the nuggets from their packaging and place them in the air fryer basket in a single layer. Do not overcrowd the basket.
  3. Cook the nuggets: Cook the nuggets for 3-4 minutes, shaking the basket halfway through the cooking time to ensure even cooking.
  4. Check the temperature of the nuggets: Check the temperature of the nuggets with a meat thermometer, ensuring that they reach an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit.
  5. Let the nuggets rest: Let the nuggets rest for a minute or two before serving to ensure they cool down enough to be eaten safely.
how to reheat mcdonalds nuggets in air fryer

How to Reheat Grilled Chicken in Air Fryer

To reheat grilled chicken in an air fryer, follow these simple steps:

  1. Preheat your air fryer: Preheat your air fryer to 360 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Place the chicken in the air fryer: Lay the grilled chicken breasts in the air fryer basket, making sure they are not overlapping.
  3. Cook the chicken: How long to reheat grilled chicken in air fryer? Cook the chicken for 10 minutes, flipping them at the 5-minute mark to ensure even cooking.
  4. Check the temperature of the chicken: Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the chicken, ensuring it reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit to ensure it is fully cooked.
  5. Serve the chicken: Once the chicken has reached the desired temperature, remove it from the air fryer and serve it immediately.

Explore more: How To Reheat Frozen Pizza: Tips And Tricks For Delicious Results

How to Reheat Frozen Fried Chicken in Air Fryer

Reheating frozen fried chicken in an air fryer is a convenient way to enjoy your favorite dish without sacrificing its crispy texture. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Preheat your air fryer: Preheat your air fryer by running it for 5 minutes at 360°F (180°C) to ensure that it reaches the right temperature.
  2. Brush the air fryer basket with oil: Brush the air fryer basket with a bit of oil to prevent the chicken from sticking and ensure that it cooks evenly.
  3. Place the frozen chicken in the basket: Place the frozen fried chicken pieces in the basket in a single layer, making sure not to overcrowd the basket.
  4. Brush the chicken with oil: Brush the top of the chicken with the remaining oil to help restore its crispy texture.
  5. Air fry the chicken: Air fry the chicken for 12-30 minutes at 360°F (180°C), flipping once halfway through the cooking process to ensure that both sides are cooked evenly.

How to Reheat Kentucky Fried Chicken in an Air Fryer

how to reheat chicken breast in air fryer

Reheating Kentucky Fried Chicken in an air fryer is a great way to restore its crispy texture and delicious flavor. Here are the steps to do it:

  1. Preheat the air fryer: Preheat your air fryer to 350°F (175°C).
  2. Prepare the chicken: Remove the chicken from its packaging and allow it to come to room temperature for about 10 minutes. This will help it cook more evenly.
  3. Place the chicken in the air fryer: Place the chicken pieces in the air fryer basket, making sure not to overcrowd it.
  4. Reheat the chicken: How long to reheat Kentucky fried chicken in an air fryer? Reheat the chicken for 3-4 minutes on each side, flipping the pieces halfway through the cooking time.
  5. Check the temperature of the chicken: Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the chicken, which should be 165°F (74°C) to ensure it is fully cooked.
  6. Let the chicken rest: Once the chicken is fully reheated, remove it from the air fryer and let it rest for a few minutes to allow the juices to redistribute.

Tips for Perfectly Reheated Fried Chicken

Reheating fried chicken in an air fryer can be a great way to bring it back to life, but there’s a risk of drying it out if it’s not done properly. Here are some tips to help you reheat fried chicken in an air fryer perfectly without drying it out:

  1. Use the right temperature: Preheat the air fryer to 350°F (175°C) for 3-5 minutes before placing the chicken inside. This will help the chicken to cook evenly and prevent it from drying out.
  2. Don’t overcrowd the basket: Avoid overcrowding the air fryer basket to ensure that the chicken is heated evenly. If the basket is too full, the chicken may not cook properly, and the air may not circulate effectively, leading to uneven heating and drying.
  3. Use a basting liquid: Before placing the chicken in the air fryer, brush it with a little oil or butter to add moisture and prevent it from drying out.
  4. Cover with foil: If you’re reheating chicken that has already been coated with sauce, you can cover it with foil to prevent it from drying out.
  5. Check the temperature: Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the chicken to ensure that it’s fully cooked and safe to eat. Overcooking the chicken can cause it to dry out, so check the temperature regularly and remove the chicken from the air fryer once it’s fully reheated.

By following these tips, you can learn how to reheat fried chicken in air fryer without drying it out, and achieve perfectly crispy and juicy results every time.

Must read: How to Reheat Wings in Air Fryer: The Best Method for Delicious Results

How to Store Leftover Reheated Fried Chicken

If you have any leftover reheated fried chicken, it’s important to store it properly to maintain its quality and safety. Here’s how to store leftover reheated fried chicken:

  1. Let it cool: Allow the chicken to cool down to room temperature before storing it in the refrigerator or freezer.
  2. Wrap it well: Wrap the chicken in plastic wrap or aluminum foil, or store it in an airtight container. This will prevent the chicken from drying out and protect it from absorbing any unwanted odors from other foods in the refrigerator or freezer.
  3. Label it: Label the container with the date and contents of the chicken so you can easily keep track of it.
  4. Refrigerate or freeze: If you plan to eat the chicken within a day or two, store it in the refrigerator. If you plan to keep it longer, store it in the freezer for up to three months.
  5. Reheat it properly: When reheating the leftover fried chicken, it’s important to do so at the correct temperature to avoid any foodborne illnesses. Reheat it in an air fryer, oven, or stovetop until the internal temperature reaches 165°F (74°C)

Serving Reheated Fried Chicken

After learning how to reheat your fried chicken in air fryer, it’s necessary to serve it correctly to ensure that it tastes as delicious as possible. Here are some tips for serving reheated fried chicken:

  1. Serve immediately: Fried chicken is best served immediately after cooking or reheating, while it’s still hot and crispy.
  2. Garnish: Add a garnish such as fresh herbs or lemon wedges to give the dish some added flavor and freshness.
  3. Sides: Serve the chicken with some sides, such as mashed potatoes, coleslaw, or corn on the cob to create a complete meal.
  4. Sauce: Offer a dipping sauce on the side, such as ranch dressing, hot sauce, or honey mustard, to add some extra flavor to the chicken.
  5. Presentation: Arrange the chicken pieces on a platter or serving dish and garnish them with some fresh herbs or lemon wedges to make it look more appetizing.

By following these tips, you can serve reheated fried chicken in an air fryer like a pro, and impress your guests with a delicious and perfectly crispy dish. Remember, presentation is key, so take some time to make the dish look as appetizing as possible.


Can you reheat fried chicken in an air fryer if it has sauce or gravy?

Yes, you can reheat fried chicken in an air fryer if it has sauce or gravy. However, it’s important to be careful as the sauce or gravy can make the coating of the chicken less crispy. To avoid this, you can remove any excess sauce or gravy before reheating the chicken. Alternatively, you can reheat the chicken without the sauce or gravy and add it back on once it’s fully reheated.

Can I reheat fried chicken in an air fryer without oil?

Yes, you can reheat fried chicken in an air fryer without oil. However, using a small amount of oil can help prevent the chicken from drying out and help it retain its crispy texture.

Can I reheat fried chicken in an air fryer more than once?

It is not recommended to reheat fried chicken in an air fryer more than once as it can become overcooked, dry, and lose its crispy texture. If you have leftover reheated fried chicken, store it in the refrigerator or freezer and reheat it only once before consuming.

Can I use an air fryer to reheat other types of food?

Yes, an air fryer can be used to reheat many types of food, including pizza, French fries, and vegetables. Just be sure to adjust the cooking time and temperature based on the type of food you’re reheating.


In short, knowing how to reheat fried chicken in air fryer can make all the difference in preserving the taste, texture, and crispiness of your favorite dish. By following the steps we’ve outlined and keeping in mind the tips for avoiding dryness, you can enjoy perfectly reheated fried chicken every time. Whether you’re using leftover chicken from a restaurant or making a big batch at home, an air fryer is a convenient and efficient way to reheat your food without sacrificing its quality. So, next time you have leftover fried chicken, give the air fryer method a try and savor the delicious results!