How To Season A Blackstone Griddle: Tips And Tricks For Perfect Results Every Time

Sabrina Dawson

how to season a blackstone griddle
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Transforming your regular kitchen into a restaurant-style flat top grill experience is made easy with a Blackstone griddle. It’s perfect for cooking breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with a surface that provides even heat and a spacious cooking area. But before you can start whipping up your favorite dishes, you need to learn how to season a Blackstone griddle. As someone who loves to cook on my Blackstone griddle, I can say that seasoning it properly is crucial to ensuring that your food doesn’t stick and that the griddle stays in good condition for years to come. So, let’s dive in and learn how to season a Blackstone griddle like a pro!

What is seasoning?

Seasoning is a blend of herbs, spices, or other flavorful ingredients that are used to enhance the flavor of food. Seasoning can be added during the cooking process, or it can be served as a condiment on the side. There are many different types of seasoning available, and each one has its unique flavor profile.

Some popular seasonings include salt, pepper, herbs like rosemary and thyme, spices like cumin and chili powder, and sauce mixes like soy sauce and Worcestershire sauce.

  • Salt is used to add flavor and to help keep food from going bad.
  • Pepper is also used for flavor, as well as to help with digestion.
  • Herbs are used for flavoring and also have various health benefits.

All of these seasonings can be added during the cooking process or just before serving. No matter what type of seasoning you choose, it will add a delicious depth of flavor to your food.

So, how to season your Blackstone griddle, and why is it important? Let’s read!

Why is seasoning important for a Blackstone?

There are myriad reasons why seasoning is important for a Blackstone grill.

  • The most obvious reason is that it enhances the flavor of the food. Whether you’re grilling chicken, beef, pork, or seafood, adding a bit of salt and pepper (or your favorite seasonings) can bring out the best in your meal.
  • Another reason to season your food is that it helps to keep it moist. When meat or seafood is grilled, it can often end up being dry and tough. But if you season it before cooking, the moisture will stay in the food, resulting in a juicier and more flavorful dish.
  • Lastly, seasoning your food helps to prevent it from sticking to the grill grates. This can be especially helpful when cooking delicate items like fish or shrimp.

“How do you season a griddle?” – Without seasoning, these foods can often stick to the grill and become difficult to remove. But with a light coating of oil or seasoning mix, they’ll release easily from the grates without becoming charred or overcooked. Now we will give you the basic way about how do you season a Blackstone grill!

how to season a blackstone griddle

How to season your Blackstone griddle for the first time

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to season your Blackstone griddle for the first time:

  1. First, clean the griddle surface thoroughly using warm soapy water and a sponge. Rinse it off with water and let it dry completely.
  2. Turn on your Blackstone griddle and set it to high heat. Let it heat up for around 10-15 minutes, until the griddle surface starts to turn brown.
  3. Turn off the heat and let the griddle cool down completely.
  4. Apply a thin layer of cooking oil or vegetable shortening all over the griddle surface using a paper towel or a brush. Make sure to cover the entire surface, including the edges.
  5. Turn the heat back on to medium-high and let the griddle heat up for around 10-15 minutes. This will help the oil or shortening to bond with the metal surface.
  6. Once the griddle surface starts to smoke, turn off the heat and let it cool down completely.
  7. Repeat steps 4-6 for at least 3-4 times, or until the griddle surface turns into a dark brown or black color.
  8. After seasoning your Blackstone griddle, wipe off any excess oil or shortening with a paper towel.
  9. Your Blackstone griddle is now ready to use! To keep it in good condition, make sure to clean it after each use and apply a thin layer of oil before storing it.

By following these steps, you’ll have to know how to season a Blackstone griddle that will provide you with delicious meals for years to come!

how to season your blackstone griddle

How to season a new Blackstone griddle?

“How to season new Blackstone griddle?” The Blackstone griddle is a quality piece of cooking hardware that many people love. However, it does require seasoning before it can be used to cook food.

Many people worry about how long this process will take, but in reality, it is not a lengthy one. Most of the time is spent waiting for the griddle to cool down after each application of oil. Overall, the entire seasoning process should only take around 45 minutes.

How to season a Blackstone grill with oil?

“How to season my Blackstone griddle?” Seasoning your Blackstone grill is key to creating a delicious, flavorful meal. While some people might choose to season their grill with salt or pepper, using oil is a great option, too.

  • When you’re seasoning your Blackstone with oil, make sure to use a high-quality oil, such as olive oil or vegetable oil.
  • Additionally, it’s important to heat up the grill before adding the oil. This will help the oil to heat up and cook evenly. Once the grill is hot, add about 1/4 cup of oil to the cooking surface.
  • Use a brush to spread the oil around and then let the grill cook for about 5 minutes so that the oil can heat up and start cooking the food.

Now how to season a Blackstone grill is not hard question!

How to season a Blackstone griddle for the first time with salt?

Now we will provide answer to the question of how to season a Blackstone griddle? A Blackstone is a great griddle for cooking pancakes, eggs, and bacon, but it’s not complete without salt.

Seasoning your Blackstone with salt is a must if you want to achieve the best results. The salt will help to create a crispy crust on your food and add some extra flavor. Be sure to use good quality salts, such as sea salt or kosher salt.

You can either sprinkle the salt directly on the griddle or mix it in with the batter. Experiment with different amounts of salt to find the perfect balance for your taste buds.

Now you knew how to season a Blackstone griddle! especially how to season a griddle for the first time!

How to season a griddle with vinegar?

When it comes to seasoning your Blackstone with vinegar, there are a few things you need to keep in mind how to season a griddle with vinegar!

  • First, it’s important to use an appropriate type of vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is a good choice, as it has a mild flavor that won’t overpower your food.
  • Second, you’ll need to use the right amount of vinegar. A little goes a long way, so start with just a tablespoon or two and add more if needed.
  • Finally, make sure to let the vinegar cook off before adding your food. If you add it while the grill is still too hot, the vinegar will vaporize and create a harsh taste.

By following these tips, you can ensure that how to season a griddle and your Blackstone grill will deliver delicious results every time!

How to re season your Blackstone griddle?

Re-seasoning your Blackstone griddle is an important part of its maintenance to keep it in top condition. Here are the steps to re-season your Blackstone griddle:

  1. Clean the griddle: Use a scraper or spatula to remove any food debris or grease from the surface of the griddle. Then, use a damp cloth to wipe it clean.
  2. Apply oil: Once the griddle is clean and dry, use a paper towel or cloth to apply a thin layer of cooking oil over the entire surface of the griddle. You can use vegetable oil, canola oil, or any high-heat oil.
  3. Heat the griddle: Turn on the heat to high and let the griddle heat up for about 10-15 minutes. This will help the oil to bond with the metal surface of the griddle.
  4. Repeat the process: Apply another layer of oil and heat the griddle again. Repeat this process until the griddle has a dark, non-stick coating.
  5. Let it cool: Once the griddle has been seasoned, turn off the heat and let it cool down completely. Don’t clean it right away, as this will remove the seasoning.
  6. Store properly: Once the griddle is completely cool, store it in a dry place to prevent rust from forming.
how to season your blackstone

How to season your Blackstone flat top grill?

To season your Blackstone flat top grill, you can follow these steps:

  1. Clean the surface of the grill with soap and water to remove any dirt or debris.
  2. Rinse the grill with water and dry it completely.
  3. Apply a thin layer of vegetable oil or flaxseed oil on the surface of the grill. Make sure to cover the entire surface, including the edges and corners.
  4. Turn on the heat to high and let the oil heat up for 15-20 minutes until it starts to smoke.
  5. Turn off the heat and let the grill cool down completely.
  6. Once the grill has cooled, use a paper towel to wipe off any excess oil.

Repeat this process a few times before using the grill for the first time to build up a non-stick coating. After each use, you can clean the grill with a scraper and a damp cloth, and apply a thin layer of oil to keep the surface protected.

How often should I season my Blackstone griddle?

Depending on how often you use your Blackstone griddle, you will need to season it anywhere from every time you use it to every few uses. The key is to make sure the seasoning is even so the food doesn’t stick. Once the griddle is seasoned, it will be easier to clean and your food will taste better.

How long does it take to season a Blackstone griddle?

It typically takes about 4-6 hours to season a Blackstone Griddle. This is done by using high heat to burn off any impurities that may be present on the griddle and forming a layer of oil which will help protect the surface.

For optimal performance, it’s recommended to season your griddle at least once every two months. When seasoning your Blackstone Griddle, you should apply a thin layer of vegetable oil or lard to the entire cooking surface and heat it slowly over low heat until smoke starts rising from the surface.

Once the smoke has stopped, turn up the temperature to medium-high for about 15 minutes and then turn off the heat. Allow your griddle to cool completely before wiping off any excess oil and you’ll have a perfectly seasoned griddle ready for use!

Tips and tricks for how to season Blackstone grill

How do I season my Blackstone griddle? – there are some tips and tricks!

  • Use a light layer of cooking oil on the griddle surface before adding food to prevent sticking and to help create a crispy crust.
  • Experiment with seasonings! Some great combinations are salt, pepper, and garlic powder; cumin, chili powder, and paprika; or Italian herbs like basil, oregano, and thyme.
  • Preheat your Blackstone for a few minutes before cooking. This will help your food cook evenly and prevent sticking.
  • Don’t overcrowd your griddle! Leave enough space between each piece of food so that it can cook evenly.
  • Use a spatula to flip your food over regularly. This will help it cook evenly on both sides.

We hope that these tips and tricks about how to season your Blackstone grill will help you helpfully!

How to clean your Blackstone after cooking?

Cleaning your Blackstone griddle after cooking is essential to ensure that it stays in good condition and that your food doesn’t stick to the surface. Here’s how to clean your Blackstone griddle after cooking:

  1. Turn off the heat and let the griddle cool down completely.
  2. Scrape off any remaining food debris from the griddle surface using a spatula or a scraper.
  3. Wipe the griddle surface with a paper towel or a cloth to remove any excess oil or grease.
  4. Pour some warm water on the griddle surface and scrub it using a sponge or a cleaning pad.
  5. If there are any stubborn stains or burnt-on food, you can use a mixture of water and mild detergent to clean the griddle surface. Make sure to rinse it off thoroughly with water afterward.
  6. Dry the griddle surface completely using a clean cloth or paper towel.
  7. Once the griddle is completely dry, apply a thin layer of oil or cooking spray all over the surface to prevent rusting and to help with the seasoning process.

When you follow these steps, you’ll be able to keep your Blackstone griddle clean and in good condition for many years to come. It’s essential to clean it after each use to ensure that you can enjoy delicious, perfectly cooked meals every time you use it.


Do you wash Blackstone before seasoning?

There is no definitive answer to this question. Some people say that you should, while others say that it is not necessary. The general consensus seems to be that if you are going to wash it, use light soapy water and rinse thoroughly. Then, dry the surface well before seasoning.

Can you cook on Blackstone right after seasoning?

It is best to wait a few days before cooking on a Blackstone after seasoning. This will allow the seasoning to properly adhere to the griddle and provide a longer-lasting flavor.

How to season a Blackstone griddle press?

Seasoning your Blackstone Griddle Press is an essential step to ensure years of reliable service. Begin by cleaning the griddle surface with a soap-free degreaser and warm water.

Once clean, dry the griddle thoroughly using a lint-free cloth and heat it to medium-high temperature. Then use vegetable oil or cooking spray on the surface, making sure to cover every part of the griddle evenly. Allow the oil to sit for about five minutes and then wipe off any excess with a paper towel.

Repeat this process four times, then turn up the heat to high for one minute before turning it off completely. Once cooled, lightly rub additional oil onto the surface for protection against rusting or sticking foods. Finally, put a light coat of cooking spray on the griddle surface before each use to ensure easy release of cooked food and long-lasting performance.

With proper care and seasoning, your Blackstone Griddle Press will provide you with delicious meals for many years!

How to season Blackstone griddle after cooking?

Properly seasoning a Blackstone Griddle is essential to getting the most out of your cooking experience. After each use, it is important to thoroughly clean and season the griddle with oil. You can do this by wiping down the entire surface with a paper towel and coating it with a thin layer of vegetable oil or non-hydrogenated lard. For best results, repeat this step at least 4-5 times before storing and after each use.

Additionally, you can season the griddle before use by heating it up and brushing on a thin layer of oil while still hot. This will help create a protective barrier and keep food from sticking to the surface. Finally, it is important to store your Blackstone Griddle properly in order to prevent rusting or corroding over time.

When not in use, cover the griddle with a tarp or protective cover, as well as some cooking oil to ensure maximum protection against any elements that may cause damage. Keeping your griddle clean and seasoned will extend its lifespan and make for an enjoyable cooking experience every time!

Can I season my Blackstone griddle in the oven?

Yes, you can season your Blackstone griddle in the oven. To do so, preheat your oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit, apply a thin layer of oil to the griddle surface, and place it in the oven for 30 minutes. After that, turn off the oven, let the griddle cool down, and repeat the process if needed.

What should I do if my Blackstone griddle starts to rust after seasoning?

If your Blackstone griddle starts to rust after seasoning, it’s important to act quickly. First, remove any rust spots with a wire brush or sandpaper. Then, re-season the griddle with a thin layer of oil, making sure to cover the entire surface. Finally, store the griddle in a dry place to prevent future rusting.

How much oil should I use when seasoning my Blackstone griddle?

When seasoning your Blackstone griddle, you should use a very thin layer of oil, just enough to coat the entire surface. Too much oil can lead to a sticky, gummy residue that is difficult to remove.

Can I season my Blackstone griddle on a gas stove?

Yes, you can season your Blackstone griddle on a gas stove. To do so, heat the griddle over low to medium heat, apply a thin layer of oil, and let it sit for about 10 minutes. Then, wipe off any excess oil with a paper towel and repeat the process if needed.

Can I use bacon grease to season my Blackstone griddle?

Yes, you can use bacon grease to season your Blackstone griddle. However, keep in mind that bacon grease has a lower smoke point than other oils, so it may smoke and burn at high temperatures. For best results, mix bacon grease with a high smoke point oil like canola or vegetable oil before using it to season your griddle.


In conclusion, learning how to season a Blackstone griddle is an essential step towards achieving optimal cooking results and maintaining the longevity of your griddle. By following the simple steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your griddle is seasoned properly and ready to cook up delicious meals for years to come. Remember to clean and oil your griddle regularly to keep it in top condition. With a little bit of care and attention, your Blackstone griddle can be a reliable and versatile addition to your kitchen or outdoor cooking setup. Happy cooking!